Castletown Community Primary School

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Read Write Inc. Set 1

Practise your Set 1 Sounds


Set 1
Sound Rhyme
 m Down Maisie then over the two mountains. Maisie, mountain, mountain.
 a Round the apple, down the leaf.
 s Slide around the snake
 d Round the dinosaur’s back, up his neck and down to his feet.
 t Down the tower, across the tower,
 i Down the insects body, dot for the head.
 n Down Nobby and over the net.
 p Down the plait, up and over the pirates face.
 g Round the girls face, down her hair and give her a curl
 o All around the orange
 c Curl around the caterpillar
 k Down the kangaroos body, tail and leg
 u Down and under the umbrella, up to the top and down to the puddle
 b Down the laces, over the toe and touch the heel
 f Down the stem and draw the leaves
 e Slice into the egg, go over the top, then under the egg
 l Down the long leg
 h Down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back
 sh Slither down the snake, then down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back
 r Down the robot’s back, then up and curl
 j Down his body, curl and dot
 v Down a wing, up a wing
 y Down a horn, up a horn and under the yak’s head.
 w Down, up, down, up the worm.
 th Down the tower, across the tower, then down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back
 z Zig-zag-zig, down the zip.
 ch Curl around the caterpillar, , then down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back
 qu Round the queen’s head, up to her crown, down her hair and curl
 x Cross down the arm and leg and cross the other way
 ng A thing on a string
 nk  I think I stink