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Read Write Inc. Set 3

Practise your Set 3 Sounds 


Set 3 Speed Sounds
Sound Phrase Words to practice reading and spelling
 ea Cup of tea clean, dream, seat, scream, real
 oi Spoil the boy join, voice, coin
 a-e Make a cake make, cake, name, same, late, date
 i-e Nice smile smile, white, nice, like, time, hide
 o-e Phone home home, hope, spoke, note, broke, phone
 u-e Huge brute tune, rude, huge, brute, use, June
 aw Yawn at dawn saw, las, dawn, crawl, paw, yawn
 are Care and share share, dare, scare, square, bare
 ur Nurse with a purse burn, turn, spurt, nurse, purse, hurt
 er A better letter never, better, weather, after, proper, corner
 ow Brown cow how, down, brown, cow, town, now
 ai Snail in the rain snail, paid, tail, train, paint, rain
 oa Goat in a boat goat, boat, road, throat, toast, coat
 ew Chew the stew chew, new, blew, flew, drew, grew
 ire Fire! Fire! Fire, hire, wire, bon/fire, in/spire, con/spire
 ear Hear with your ear hear, dear, fear, near, year, ear
 ure Sure it’s pure pure, sure, cure, pic/ture, mix/ture, ad/ven/ture